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About Us

You are loved, you are loveable, you are God's Masterpiece

Our Story

We have two churches which offers different acts of worship each Sunday. St Peter's (the Parish Church) which was opened in 1959 offers Common Worship in a more traditional setting with communion. All Saints' (Chapel as Ease) which was opened between 1964-1965 after the original building was bombed during the blitz, now hosts a relaxed family gathering each Sunday where we tell Bible stories, learn about Jesus, sing, pray and create.

Meet The Team

Revd Ali Alexander


Sarah Parker

Parish Administrator and Safeguarding Officer

Revd Claire Robinson

SSM Deacon Curate

Steuart Thompson

Church Treasurer

Philip Robinson

Church Warden, Deanery Finance Chair

Jez Drury

BCM Pioneer, Health and Safety 

Ringing Phone

023 8070 2411

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Diocese of Winchester


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Safeguarding Support

If you consider someone to be in immediate danger

You must call either:

The police 0845 045 4545  or 101 or 999
MASH 023 8083 3336  out of hours 023 8023 3344 

Then inform a Designated Person (detailed below) within 24 hours

Concerns about someone's safety

Talk to a Designated Person or the Diocesan Safeguarding Manager detailed below:

Designated Persons

Safeguarding Officer (Sarah Parker)


Parish contacts

Maybush Parish Office   023 8070 2411

Church Warden

Rev'd Ali Alexander

Diocesan Safeguarding Manager

Jackie Rowlands  01962 737317  or  07921 865374 

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